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What is a Computer?


In the modern era, computers are an essential part of our everyday existence. That means computers are present in almost every field, making our day-to-day tasks easier and faster. Nowadays, computers can be seen in banks, shops, schools, hospitals, railways, and many more places, including our home. As they are such an essential part of our lives, we must know about the basic computer introduction. Let us start with defining the computer first


computer Definition?

A computer is an electronic machine, operating under the control of instructions stored in its own memory that can accept data, manipulate the data according to specified rules, produce results, and store the results for future use.
Computers process data to create information.

Data is a collection of raw unprocessed facts, figures, and symbols.

Information is data that is organized, meaningful, and useful

To process data into information, a computer uses hardware and software.

Hardware is the electric, electronic, and mechanical equipment that makes up a computer.

Software is the series of instructions that tells the hardware how to perform tasks

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