They Are Not As Loving As They Used to Be
You’ve started to notice that they’re not as generally-loving as they used to be.
They Get You Presents Without Any Occasion:
This one can be a little tricky. It can be difficult for you to tell if they are getting you presents out of love or if they want to cover their guilt.
They Pay More Attention to Self-Grooming
If your partner is usually not too interested in looking good, but they suddenly starting paying too much attention to their looks, maybe they are either trying to impress someone (which may be you or) other than you or have already impressed someone.
They Avoid Eye-Contact
When your partner is cheating on you, they’ll try their best to avoid eye-contact with you.
They Take Longer to Call or Text You Back
If they take too long to text you back or return a call, then there are chances of them cheating on you. In the dating period, you get to know how quick they are at replying to your texts and how long it takes them to get back to you on a phone call.
They Come Home Late From Work
This one may sound like a dramatic and typical sign but people actually make excuses like “There’s a lot of work today” and “I may have to spend the night” when they want to sneak out for something bad. It is also one of the very old excuses.
They Take a Bath As Soon As They Get Home
Their sudden habit of getting into the shower as soon as they return from work or somewhere else maybe because of the new person they are spending time with.
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