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Mention several i/p devices.


I. Keyboard – most common input device used to input text, numbers & instructions into the computer. Most of the use QWERTY layout.
II. Numeric Keypad – Telephones and ATMs [Automatic Teller Machines] use numeric keypad to enter data allowing entry of numbers only.

III. Mouse – is actually an example of pointing device usually having two buttons where left button is used to select something by double clicking it & the right button brings up drop-down menus.
IV. Touchpad – used in many laptop computers as a pointing device usually controlled by the user moving their finger or gently tapping it to simulate the left/right button of the mouse.
V. Tracker ball – similar to a mouse except that the ball is on the top of the device & the user controls the pointer on the screen by rotating the ball with the hand.
VI. Remote control
– used to control the operation of other devices remotely by using infra red signals. Most home entertainment devices such as television, satellite systems, DVD player, hifi systems have remote controls.

VII. Joystick – has similar functions to mice and tracker balls. By gripping this stick, a pointer on the screen can be controlled & buttons are used for selections. Often they have another button on the top of the stick that is used for gaming purposes.
VIII. Touch screen – With the system of touch screen, the user can choose an option by simply touching the button/icon on the screen. E.g.: PDAs [Personal Digital Assistants], mobile phones, etc..
IX. Smart Card Reader – used to read information stored on a chip (Smart Card). E.g.: ID cards, Loyalty cards, etc.
X. Scanner – used to enter information on hard copy into a computer. The most common scanner is the flat-bed which is made up of a glass panel and lid.
XI. Barcode reader – used to read information in the form of a bar code. It is used as a safety function in many companies to ensure that electrical equipment is checked on a regular basis.
XII. OMR [Optical Mark Recognition] – is a system which can read marks written in pen or pencil. It is used to read questionnaires, multiple choice examination papers & other forms where responses are registered in the form of lines or shaded areas.

XIII. OCR [Optical Character Recognition] – is the name given to software that takes scanned text and converts it into a computer readable form. It is used while scanning documents so that they can be modified using a word processor or desktop publisher package.
XIV. MICR [Magnetic Ink Character Recognition] – is a system which can read characters printed in a special ink [containing iron particles]. Only characters written in a standard font can be read. It is primarily used to process cheques in banking operations.
XV. Digital Camera – is rapidly replacing traditional, film-based cameras. Once photographs are stored in memory, they are easily transferred to a computer using a Universal Serial Bus (USB) connection.

Webcam – is similar to digital video camera, however it is connected directly to the computer and do not have a memory. Many computers have webcams built into the top of their monitors as standard equipment used to enable video-conferencing.
XVII. Microphone – can be connected directly to a computer. Sounds can be inputted and manipulated. It is used in voice recognition software which can have a number of purposes such as conversion of speech into text that can be used in word processor & for recognition commands.
XVIII. Sensor – is a device which inputs data to a computer where the data is a measurement of some physical quantity which is continuously changing, such as temperature, light, moisture, etc..
XIX. Graphic tablet – used with a stylus to produce freehand drawings as in Computer Aided Design (CAD) work.
XX. Light pen – contain sensors that sends signals to a computer whenever light changes are detected. They are also used for drawing onscreen.


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