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Discuss Few Image File Formats



Discuss Few Image File Formats

a. GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) – The most common image format on the Web, and possibly on the Internet. Stores 1-bit to 8-bit images. Invented by CompuServe Inc.

b. TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) – The standard image file format found in most paint, imaging and desktop publishing programs. Very flexible; supports 1-bit to 24-bit images and several different compression schemes. 


c. PICT – Macintosh’s native image file format; produced by many programs that run on Macs. Stores up to 24-bit color.

d. BMP (Microsoft Windows Bitmap) – Main file supported by Microsoft Windows. Stores 1-bit, 4-bit, 8-bit, 24-bit images.

e. XBMP (X Bitmap) – A format for monochrome (1-bit) images common in the Windows X system.

f. JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) – Most commonly used image format with extension .jpg/ .jpeg


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