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Identify the various types of computer users


Identify the various types of computer users

Computer users can be divided into five categories: home user, small office/home office users, mobile users, large business users, and power users.

A home user spends time on the computer for personal and business communications, budgeting and personal financial management, entertainment, and Web access.

A small office/home office (SOHO) user includes any company with fewer than 50 employees, as well as self-employed people that work out of their home.

A mobile user travels to and from a main office or school to conduct business, communicate, or do homework.

A large business user works for a company that has a large number of employees and computers usually connected to a network.

The power user – such as an engineer, architect, or desktop publisher – typically works with multimedia, which combines several media elements into one application, and requires the capabilities of a workstation or other powerful computer.

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