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Explain the generations of computers.


Explain the generations of computers.

Computer definition: is an electronic device that manipulates information or data.

Generation in computer technology is a change in technology a computer is/was being used.

Initially, the generation term was used to distinguish between varying hardware technologies.

Now days, generation includes both hardware and software, which together make up an entire computer system. 


There are five computer generations known till date. Each generation has been discussed in detail a long with their time period and characteristics.

Following are the main five generations of computers.


The period 1940 to 1956, roughly considered as the first generation of computer.

The first generation computers were developed by using vacuum tube or thermionic valve machine.

The input of this system was based on punched cards and paper tape; however, the output was displayed on printouts.

The first generation computers worked on binary-coded concept (I.e., language of 0-1).

Example ENIAC, EDVAC and etc.


The period 1956 to 1963 is roughly considered as the period of second generation of computers.

The second generation computers were developed by using transistor technology.

In comparison to the first generation, the size of second generation was smaller.

In comparison to computers of the first generation, the computing time taken by the computers of the second generation was lesser.


The period 1963 to 1971 is roughly considered as the period of third generation of computers.

The third generation computers were developed by using the integrated circuit (IC) technology.

In comparison to the computers of the second generation, the size of the computers of the third generation was smaller.

In comparison to the computers of the second generation, the computing time taken by the computers of the third generation was lesser.

The third generation computer consumed less power and also generated less heat.

The maintenance cost of the computers in the third generation was also low.

The computer system of the computers of the third generation was easier for commercial use.  FOURTH GENERATION

The period 1972 to 2010 is roughly considered as the fourth generation of computers.

The fourth generation computers were developed by using microprocessor technology.

By coming to the fourth generation, computer became very small in size, it became portable.

The machine of fourth generation started generation very low amount of heat.

It is much faster and accuracy became more reliable.

The production cost reduced to very low in comparison to the previous generation.

It became available for the common people as well.


The period 2010 to till date and beyond, roughly considered as the period of the fifth generation of computers.

By the time, the computer generation was being categorized on the basis of hardware only, but the fifth generation technology also included software.

The computers of the fifth generation had high capability and large memory capacity.

Working with computers of this generation was fast and multiple tasks could have performed simultaneously.

Some of the popular advanced technologies of the fifth generation includes Artificial intelligence, Quantum computation, Nanotechnology, Parallel processing, etc.

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