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Examples of computer networks


Examples of computer networks

The wired or wireless connection of two or more computers for the purpose of sharing data and resources form a computer network. Today, nearly every digital device belongs to a computer network.


In an office setting, you and your colleagues may share access to a printer or to a group messaging system. The computing network that allows this is likely a LAN or local area network that permits your department to share resources.

A city government might manage a city-wide network of surveillance cameras that monitor traffic flow and incidents. This network would be part of a MAN or metropolitan area network that allows city emergency personnel to respond to traffic accidents, advise drivers of alternate travel routes. And even send traffic tickets to drivers who run red lights.

The Weather Company worked to create a peer-to-peer mesh network that allows mobile devices to communicate directly with other mobile devices without requiring wifi or cellular connectivity. The mesh network project allows the delivery of life-saving weather information to billions of people, even without an internet connection.

Computer networks and the internet

The internet is actually a network of networks that connects billions of digital devices worldwide. Standard protocols allow communication between these devices. Those protocols include the hypertext transfer protocol (the ‘http’ in front of all website addresses). Internet protocols (or IP addresses) are the unique identifying numbers that are required of every device that accesses the internet. IP addresses are comparable to your mailing address, providing unique location information so that information can be delivered correctly.

Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and Network Service Providers (NSPs) provide the infrastructure that allows the transmission of packets of data or information over the internet. Every bit of information that is sent over the internet doesn’t go to every device connected to the internet. It’s the combination of protocols and infrastructure that tells information exactly where to go.

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