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Discuss about staffing and the process of staffing


Qn1. Discuss about staffing and the process of staffing

Define management?

Is the act of getting people together in order to fulfill their desire goals and objectives by using the available resources in an effective and efficient manner.

Define staffing: is the process that involves the recruiting, selecting, promoting and transfer of the right person to fill the vacant position in an organization.

It implies putting the right person in the right job at a right time.

Meaning of staffing in management

Staff literal meaning is ‘’ keeping the workers or employees “for doing work at their office and staffing mean doing this activity continuously.

The below are the importance of staffing in management as follows: -

Its helps in discovering the required work force for different work / jobs

Helps in discovering the required workforce for different work / jobs

Helps in putting the right individuals in the right position that improves efficiency

Consistent endurance and development of an organization are guaranteed through the progression making arrangement for the administrators.

The identity cards of the labor for prerequisites and filling positions like wise

It keeps away from interruption by showing the specific deficiencies of staff a head of time

Staffing Is an integral part of human resources management (HRM) and their activities are performed by the human resources department or managers or employees working in human resources department.

The roles of staffing in human resources management includes the following as: -

Looking for qualified candidates i.e. Enrolment of the employees or workers.

Breaking down the responsibilities to be performed, gathering data, and setting up the set of expectation creating pay designed, impetuses, and compensation to his / her employees in the organization.

Planning for preparation of projects and designed them for professional development of the organization

Keeping up the work relation and association board relation.

Making arrangement for government managed recruitment and government assistance of workers shelding the organization in claim and staying away from lawful consistency.

Objectives of staffing in management

1.      Increase job satisfaction

2.      Competitive advantages

3.      Recruitment

4.      Selection

5.      Achievement of goals and objectives

6.      Talent acquisition

7.      Identify human resources requirement

8.      Management employee’s retention

9.      Training

There are some advantages of staffing in an organization.

·         Selecting the right applicants for the job

·         Increased proficiency by picking up the right person for the work e.g. skilled labours

·         Improvement of best learning experiences through the selection of the right person

·         Man power or labor arrangement by filling in the empty vacant in the organization.

·         Amicably by choosing the best applicants whose chose depends on merits in the organization

·         Optimum utilization of human resources through verification and arrangement of necessary records.

Finally, the process of staffing includes the following stages as follows: -

1.      Man power

2.      Planning

3.      Recruitments

4.      Selection

5.      Placement

6.      Training

7.      Appraisal performance

8.      Promotion

9.      Transfer and development

10.  Remuneration.

Man power, meaning it may be regarded as the quantitative and quantities recruitment of labor force required in an organization. It is concerned with creating and evaluating the man power inventory and to develop required talents among the employees selected for promotion advancement recruitment.

It is the process or positive process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for the jobs in the organization.

The scientific recruitment leads to greater productivity, better ways, higher moral reduction in labor turn over and better regulations in the concern.


It is the process of eliminating of those who appears unpromising the purpose of this process is to determine whether a candidate is suitable for employment in the or not the main aim of the process is to choose the right candidate for the right position in the origination.


It means putting the person on the job for which he is selected. It includes the introduction of employees to the job.


Selection of an employee, the important function of the personal program is to impact training to the new comers, with the rapid technological change, the need for naming employees in touch with the new development thus every concern must have systematic training programme.


A sound staffing policy calls of introduction of a system of planning are not having suitable opportunities for their development and promotion. They get frustrated


It implies up grading of an employee to a higher position involving increase in rank prestige or status and responsibilities.

General increase in pay a companies’ promotion but it is not essential in gradient and there can be a dry promotion. Also.

Training it implies movement of employees from one job to another without any increase status or responsibilities usually transfer take place between the job having approximately, the same salaries

Performance appraisal

It reveals as to how efficiently a subordinate is performing his job and also to know his attitudes and other qualities necessary for performing the jobs assigned to him / or her.

This aim of these performance appraisal is to improve the efficiency of concern by mobilizing the best effort from individual employed in it


Taxation of remuneration is a difficult and complex because there no definite or exact means to determine the corrects wages, job evaluation is the only systematic technique to determine the worth of the jobs.





Staffing may define as the process of recruiting, selecting, hiring, promoting and transfer of the required personal to fill in the various position in the organization.

It involves estimating the number and type of personal required by maintaining and improving their competence and performance.


References include:


1.      University of regina (2008) recruiting and appointing academic staff regina

2.      Healther chetal…….., (2015) examining, personal and institutional predictors of high quality instructions sage publication.

3.      University of queen’s land (2015) selection and recruitment (2015) selection and recruitment and retention strategies at university of Limpopo

4.      University of Sydney (2014) recruitment and selection policy

5.      University of oxford, et al (2016) recruiting and retaining academic staff. oxford

6.      Anglia Ruskin University (2012) recruitment & selection policy – Anglia.

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