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Define the term community base rehabilitation

 CBR or community based rehabilitation is an approach to community development that is applied for equalisation of the social integration & opportunities of people with disabilities in India. This programme is executed through the CBR members, PWDs and their families. CBR programme aims to provide support to people with disabilities within the community with proper education, vocational training, health care services & other sociological needs.

In this blog, we will discuss the major objectives of the community based rehabilitation programme in South Sudan.

Improvement of the life of people with disabilities in South Sudan

One of the main objectives of community based rehabilitation in India is to enhance the quality of life of people with disabilities within the community.

Involvement of PWDs at every level

People with disabilities must be involved in the CBR programme at every level or every stage that includes the initial part of the program & implementation. To provide value to the participation, the people with disabilities within the community must have basic decision making roles.

Making a positive attitude towards PWDs

Making a positive attitude towards people with disabilities is another major objective of community based rehabilitation programmes in India. Community members should be motivated to give support & encourage PWDs for involving the CBR activities.

Providing support to the PWDs who need special assistance

CBR members should provide support & guidance to the PWDs who need special assistance such as sensory, mental support, psychological assistance, physical support, etc. Moreover, old citizens, people with epilepsy & leprosy should be provided special care and support from the community members.

CBR programme must be flexible

CBR programmes in India must be flexible so that they can be operated within local conditions at any level. Community-based rehabilitation doesn’t have only one model of the community. This is because socio economic contexts & other requirements of individual communities may need several solutions. Flexible CBR programmes always ensure the participation of the community. So, flexibility is important for community based rehabilitation.

Should be sensitive to the women & girl child

All community based rehabilitation activities must be very sensitive to the women & girl child. This is because women & girls are not equally treated in some communities across Asia.

CBR members should take an initiative to take care of women & girls with disabilities.

The importance of community based rehabilitation programmes in India is huge. The approach of CBR programmes can be multi sectoral & it includes non-governmental & governmental that provides assistance

Creating and Advocating Awareness

A CBR programme focusses on increasing awareness in the governments and private sectors, that disabled people have the same right as everyone else to take part in economic projects and they possess the ability for accessing services in business advice, microfinance and promotion.

Pre-vocational Training

 Suitable measures are implemented for assisting schools that provide for the education of persons with disabilities so that priority can be given to the development of their vocational skills, besides improving the quality of academic education.

 Vocational Training

All government bodies and NGOs for disabled persons in India work towards organizing training programmes to improve the marketable skills of physically impaired people, to enhance their employment and also self-employment opportunities.


 A CBR programme also targets to provide scope for self-employment by promoting initiatives such as provision for loans and business advice for establishing micro enterprises.


 Mainstreaming of existing training programmes is also among the primary goals of community based rehabilitation. This enables the disabled people to integrate and access within the previously inaccessible programmes for vocational training and employment.


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