16 clear signs he wants to marry you

16 clear signs he wants to marry you


1. He tells you everything

Men are known to keep to themselves a lot. But when he starts to open up to you, it means he trusts you completely and your opinion matters a lot to him. This could be an indication that he wants to spend the rest of his life with you.

2. He plans the future with you

When he starts involving you in his future plans and asks your opinion on them because they matter, it could be a huge sign that he’s ready to settle down with no one but you.

3. He doesn’t hit the door when challenges come

There’ll always be challenges and things may get harder with time. If your man stays by your side during these trying times then he is in for the long haul with you.

4. He sees just you alone

You can be in a room full of people and he’ll still search you out because he doesn’t have a wandering eye rather he’s focusing on just you.

5. He takes you everywhere with him

He can’t go to his most important events without you by his side. Family holidays, special events and outings, he has you with him. He is proud and wants to show you off to his family and friends.

6. He is Making Future Plans

Guys don’t bring up things that they really would rather not talk about. But when a man brings up future plans, it is an indication that he would like to know your opinion on them, and your opinion does carry weight with him.


7. You are Invited to Every Occasion

You have become his plus one to all special events and family holidays. This means that he sees you playing a huge part in the big picture of his life. He wants to introduce you to his family and make you feel like you are a part of it.
8. He is Punctual

If your man is always on time, he is definitely into you. When a man is in a serious relationship, he will make sure that his woman does not have to wait for him. He will let you know if he is running late and he won’t ever leave you hanging.

9. There’s an Increase in Touch

It will almost feel like when you first started dating. Your man will be way more touchy-feely, touching your arm while you’re cooking or taking the time to massage your neck while you’re working.

10.He Misses You

You will feel like nothing can get in the way when your man has made the decision to make time to see you. When he makes a promise about plans, he will follow through, and this is a great sign. On the flip-side, if he is always calling to break plans, this means you are not at the forefront of his mind. Someone who does this is not feeling committed at all.

11. He Only Sees You

He will not have a wandering eye that will make you feel jealous or uncomfortable. Your man will be focused on you even in a crowded restaurant.

12. He Wants to Live Together

When a man wants to share his space voluntarily and not only as a way to save money, he’s thinking toward the future. This can also happen if he suggests opening a bank account together or getting a pet. Moving in together is one of the most obvious signs he is ready for marriage.

13. He Opens Up to You

If your man opens up about something that’s upsetting or bothering him, this means that he trusts you and your opinion has value to him. This is a level of closeness that is definitely leading down the path to marriage.

14. He Doesn’t Run Away During the Hard Times

There will be challenging points in relationships and they can get more difficult with time. During these times, if your man stays by your side and doesn’t run away, this is a good sign that he will want to be by your side on your wedding day.

15. He Can’t Get Enough of You

This includes staying the night together if you don’t already live together, taking vacations together, and inviting you to events like company parties. He wants you next to him for everything.
16. He Has Said That he Wants to Marry You

Even if he’s joking when he says that he wants to marry you, it means he is comfortable enough to mention this and wants to see how you feel about it.

Men aren’t always the greatest at explicitly saying what they mean, and oftentimes when they try it comes out wrong. Whether your guy has or hasn’t verbally expressed his interest in marrying you, keep an eye out for these signs that it’s on his mind.

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