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Mary Boyoi mocks Lady kola after she revealed the true father of her son.


Lady Kola – The Muhaba singer took to her Facebook page and revealed WJ the king as the true father (baba) of her son. She got Married at the age of 18 and due to unbearable circumstances it all ended in divorce.

Mary Boyoi who is heart Brocken, disclosed lady kola was laughing at her because she had lost the love of her life last month. In a statement published on her Facebook page Boyoi mocked Kola saying,

I am going live now to talk about lady Kola who have three child and she was laughing at me because I lost the man I love. Only to find out that she gave birth in 2016 and she was married to WJ 2017 that is crazy!!

In a one on one spree, Mary Boyoi’s Facebook post went viral on Facebook and generated about 2 thousand comments in 2 hrs. Funs got frustrated and Crying over Mary Boyoi’s Grammar, she said -  “ three child’’ some funs went on correcting her and die hard funds were in support Claiming practice makes perfect.

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