Presenter/ Emcee/ Event Planner/ PR Sambro Lupai Advises the general public to stop fighting about Late Mantani who passed away after a terrible motor Accident in Moyo district in Uganda. lately there has been a lot going on social media and all the happenings deeply hurts him.
Just like any other person, we have our faults. We love people who don't love us back, we love people who take advantage of us and we handle consequences of our mistakes differently. We can only do that when we are alive sambro said ,
Here is the message sambro posted : take your time to read :-
" Mantani is taking a long rest my people. He may hear us, he may not. He may be watching us, he may not. One thing Mantani has done is touch our lives when he lived. He might have touched others negatively and some positively but now he's gone. He has left wounds that may not heal, he has left lives that may grow without a father, he has left a widow, he has left us with pain we can't imagine.
As we try to celebrate him, we end up hurting more because its recent, its painful and truly, he's gone.
Stop using Mantani to boost your followers and gain attention. Celebrate him, mourn him and write about him knowing one day Mercy-tani and Winnie will go through your messages and get hurt the same way we are.
Stop fighting about Mantani.
He was my brother. We worked on projects together and he always envisions success.
It pains me so much that he never got to see one of the biggest fruits of his labor, his work in Kajokeji and the Ana yau bi aruf Album. "
Stop fighting about Mantani
Let him rest.
If he hurt you, don't hurt us in return.
Stop fighting about Mantani.
Munu my brother, if get a little glance to read this or hear us, we just wanna say thank you for your life.
May you continue to rest in perfect peace.
We loved, we love and we'll always love you.
Thanks publsihed by Bidax Blogger
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